Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)!
Have questions about our services, how we work, or what to expect on your journey to positive change? You're in the right place! This section will help you find answers to common questions.
Can't find what you're looking for? No problem! Don't hesitate to reach out.
Are you ready for counseling?
Typically, those who benefit from counseling are:
motivated, open, and curious to learn.
dedicated to making time to reflect and process.
ready to make changes and create new habits.
hold a growth mindset and expect that there are ups and downs to growth and healing.
How does counseling work?
There are different phases in your treatment:
● Initial Phase: This phase will help you learn the structure, policies, and procedures. You will share information about yourself to support the development of treatment goals to address your concerns.
● Intervention Phase: This phase can last a varying length because your circumstances are unique. It is also dependent on your ability to accomplish your treatment goals, your connection with your therapist, environmental factors, and the severity of your issues.
● Graduation Phase: This phase generally occurs when you’ve completed your goals and are maintaining gains from your treatment. This is also a time when a maintenance plan is developed so you can terminate treatment.
What does counseling offer?
Counseling creates a confidential and non-judgmental environment, which is different from talking with friends and family. Counseling offers you a trained professional with experience to approach your issues. By working with a counselor, you’ll gain different perspectives, new skills, support for healing, and clarity about your issue(s). This will support your growth, so you can move forward.
Will sessions be in-person or virtual?
All counseling sessions are virtual via a HIPAA-compliant platform.
Benefits of virtual sessions:
It allows you to stay in a comfortable environment.
It will eliminate travel time to and from your appointment.
It may eliminate the need for childcare.
Easier to access specialists.
What is your cancelation policy?
Please note that a 24-hour cancellation policy is in place. If the session isn't canceled within 24 hours, the client is responsible for the cost of the session because your insurance will not pay for missed sessions.